Friday, 25 November 2011

Research Method

During this report I have conducted another of research areas to help support my views in the area of study. In order to back up the sources I have used I will be ensuring that a practical test will be performed to determine the balance of water quality in aquariums with specific fish (both cold water and tropical) and it will provide details on how the toxic develops and why. The test will be conducted on four bays, two tropical and two cold water aquariums, this will take approximately four weeks to complete. The results and details of this research will be included in the report.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

University Development

So far I feel I have been developing well at Anglia Ruskin University. The course has offered some modules that provide a keen interest in what I wish to study, the business aspect of the course is what I enjoy most; although everything is totally different compared to lower education such as college! It's a totally different atmosphere and I'm sure I will develop greatly as a person because of it. I have started to make some new friends and find the work interesting; I currently have no issues with the course of staff; I have managed to hand in everything on schedule so far!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Literature Review


Fish keeping has transformed dramatically over recent years; quite recently there have been many changes in the way in which a tank should be set up before adding fish, and this consists of adding the correct chemicals and treatments required in order to keep a variety of healthy fish as explained in the work of Gay (2005, pp.82). Due to the majority of people having a keen interest in coldwater fish, their basic setup and the way in which they are cared for has caused a colossal impact on the general environment in which they are kept in; mainly due to inexperienced aquarists (Gay 2005, pp.20).

There are a number of reasons as of why fish are not being cared to the standard they should be; the major issue being that since coldwater fish particularly, have been sold in standard bowls and tanks without filtration Fish Bowls (Anon., 2011); others feel that they should be cared for in a similar manner. This has not only become an issue for just goldfish; but has also linked to other variations of goldfish, such as fantails which can produce an awful lot of waste in comparison to other fish (Brough 2011) and even tropical fish that cannot live in the environment with high toxic levels; which is caused sorely by the lack of attention of caring for fish suitably, such as small tanks with high stocking levels (Gay 2005, pp.86). Jeremy Gay explains in his book that “the filter acts as a life support system and is of course, vitally important for the well-being of fish that live within it” (Gay 2005, pp.32).

Whether or not fish water is changed several times a day, without having any sort of filtration aid, “fish can become poisoned by their own waste products and may die as a result” as stated by Jeremy Gay (2005, pp.32). The filter itself must be set up before any fish are added (Gay 2005, pp.65). Fish diseases and fish death has risen to a significant rate because fish are being added to aquariums which have not been setup properly and may not include the proper biological and mechanical filtration (Sharpe 2011) to maintain fish health; resulting in Nitrite Poisoning.

Sharpe developed an article online which provided information on how to prevent this issue from occurring and solutions to those who currently have the issue and how to aid it. It does indeed show that older articles provide inaccurate information on “natural aquariums” that do not suggest filtration or heaters for fish as seen by the Fishnet article (Anon., 1996), “set up and care guide”. Overall, it appears that Sharpe’s knowledge on Nitrite poisoning clearly states the impact it can have on aquatic vertebrates and the preventative measures provided by Jeremy Gay’s aquarist book.


Anon., 2011. Fish Bowls
Rate My Fishtank, [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 November 2011].

Brough, D.B., 2011. Fantail Goldfish
Animal World, [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 November 2011].

Gay, J., 2005. The Perfect Aquarium. 1st ed.
London: Hamlyn.

Sharpe, S., 2011. Nitrite Poisoning
Fresh Aquarium About, [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 7 November 2011].

Sunday, 2 October 2011


I have created a mind map to help bring together ideas for my report. The report is to help uncover and discuss an issue of how fish keeping has evolved. Although this is a simple mind map, the subjects draw out more information about that subject. Each section of the mind map was researched to find additional information regarding that target area.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

VARK Questionnaire

A VARK Questionnaire consists of a variety of questions that is aimed at people in order to justify their learning preferences. The purpose is to identify the way in which information is processed and provided. As part of my module, I undertook the VARK questionnaire in order to see what my type of learning style is. The types of learning styles are identified in the "VARK"; which consists of:
  • Visual 
  • Auditory
  • Read / Write
  • Kinesthetic
Upon completing the questionnaire, which consists of a multiple choice range that suits my methods of how I learn; a scoring chart is used to take in the answers I provided that corresponds to the scoring chart. These are the results:

V - 4
A - 3
R - 1
K - 8

From the results shown above I am a "kinesthetic" learner, which means I prefer to do hands-on learning and learn easier from "hands-on" exercises in order to boost my knowledge. I was not surprised about these results as I was aware that I best learn by actually carrying out the exercise required. Close up was my visual aspect of learning, which I feel I can improve if I do carefully monitor and concentrate properly; my least favorite learning style is reading, this takes time for me to learn properly and I sometimes do not fully understand the tasks set out for me; which is why I scored low on the questionnaire. 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan
A Personal Development Plan (PDP for short) is a plan which relates to ones study skills and development. It allows people to better themselves and find areas of success and how to advance in many aspects. In my blog will include my previous plan structure, better known as my learning line and along with this, a SWOT Analysis to highlight the important areas that need addressing.

Learning Line
A learning line is a process that reflects back on what I have learnt and achieved in the past. Within this learning line, I have included the basis of my highs and lows and what I wish to achieve so I can further myself. As indicated below, I created a basic view of my learning line; from where I started to where I am currently, including some skills I have learnt and developed along the way.

My first stage of education was primary school, I was very enthusiastic yet I did not manage to progress onto the higher tiers in secondary school based on my insufficient knowledge in primary school. I moved onto secondary school and found education to become quite boring due to learning subjects I was uninterested in, such as languages, history etc. When the time came for options that relate to my GCSE's, I was finally getting into the mood of doing something in which I enjoyed, despite the compulsory modules that had to be taken.

During my time in secondary school, I did attempt to join in on some activities that were on offer, but they were not very well organised, so I decided to retire from them. Work experience was also available and took the opportunity to do so to understand what it was like to work in an office for a building industry and gained the knowledge on how to file documents, manage accounts and more. When it came to the end of my schooling, I revised well for my exams and managed to get fairly high GCSE grades as a result. I progressed onto college to focus on a key subject in which I thoroughly enjoy; Computer Systems.

When I got to college, my knowledge that was well spent in the subject was put to good use; and I worked hard to achieve the highest grades possible in two different reward schemes, triple grade distinction in First Diploma and a triple grade distinction in National diploma, three years in total. During my final year at college I also decided to take up driving lessons which I have excelled through most of the year. Along with obtaining a retail job and gaining experience (and money!) when I started my first year at college.

After I completed college, I then decided its time to try something higher, so I checked what courses were available by signing up to UCAS and found the Business Information Systems course offered by Anglia Ruskin University. I chose this in particular as I thoroughly enjoyed the units that were well in depth in the core of business and how they use computer systems to operate.

SWOT Analysis
A SWOT Analysis analyses my performance on several different key areas. This reflects me as a person and how I undergo certain situations. The key terms is in the name; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. I have compiled a list below in which I have arranged some popular categories and where they are most relevant in my SWOT Analysis.

  • Good Communicator
  • English Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Working with peers
  • Highly Motivated
  • Reports
  • Listening
  • Documentation
  • Challenging Tasks
  • Understanding Assignments
  • Self Discipline
  • Enhance Career Development
  • Confidence Skills
  • New Surroundings
  • Knowledge
  • Maturity
  • Workload Barriers
  • Developing Further
  • Peer Pressure
  • Related Job Seeking